TX Food Handler Card $7.95

How To Get Your Food Handlers Card

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TX Food Handler Card

About the Online Training

  • Course Duration: 90 minutes (including exam)
  • Number of exam attempts: Unlimited (after 2 failed attempts, the course must be viewed from the beginning)
  • Minimum passing score: 70%
  • 100% online and mobile friendly
  • Languages: English, Spanish (Español), and Korean (한국어)
  • Course features full text transcript and closed captioning
  • ANAB-Accredited Food Handler Online Training Program
  • Approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) - License #51
  • All food handlers in Texas must obtain a Food Handler Card and Certificate from an approved training provider
  • Food handlers who complete our ANAB-Accredited program are not required to pay additional fees
  • Your card and certificate will be recognized statewide by any local health department in Texas
  • Texas food handler cards are valid for 3 years
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What is The Texas Food Handler Card?

The Texas Food Handler Card Certificate is an accreditation approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services and issued upon successful completion of a food safety course and final exam.

This online course is ANAB-Accredited and valid throughout the entire State of Texas, including the cities of Austin, San Antonio, Laredo, Denton, Wichita Falls, New Braunfels, Greenville, North Richland Hills, Arlington, Richardson, and Corpus Christi, Harris County, Dallas County, Tarrant County, El Paso County, Bexar County, Denton County, Travis County, Collin County, Hidalgo County, and Fort Bend County.

Who is a food handler?

A food handler is defined as any food service employee who works with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or food contact surfaces.

Do I need the Texas Food Handler Card Certificate?

Food Handler training is mandatory statewide within 60 days of employment.

How Do I Get the Texas Food Handler Card Certificate?

Take an online course and receive a certificate of completion from a program approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services or a program that is ANAB-Accredited. The program offered by Premier Food Safety holds both accreditations and is accepted as valid by all local jurisdictions statewide.

Can I get my Texas Food Handler Card Certificate from any provider?

No. The only training programs recognized as valid statewide are those approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services and/or programs accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB), such as Premier Food Safety.

Is Premier Food Safety an Approved Training Provider?

Yes. Premier Food Safety offers a food handlers certificate program that is both ANAB-Accredited and accredited by the Texas Department of State Health Services (License #51).

What information will be on my Texas Food Handler Card Certificate?

All certificates issued by Texas DSHS-accredited programs must include the following:

  • Employee’s name
  • TXDSHS license number
  • Program name and address
  • Training date
  • Certificate expiration date
How do I purchase training to get the Texas Food Handler Card Certificate?

You can purchase the online training through this registration page or by calling our toll-free number 800-676-3121.

When do I need to get my Texas Food Handler Card Certificate?

Food handlers must obtain a food handler card within 60 days of employment.

I need to take the Texas Food Handler Card Training but I do not have a computer, tablet, or mobile device. What can I do?

Unfortunately, at the moment we only offer the Food Handler Card Certificate Program online; therefore you need a computer in order to get the card.

Here are a few suggestions to complete your training:

  • Go to your local library – computers are available for use to the public.
  • Ask a friend if you could borrow their computer for a few hours.
  • Talk to your supervisor about using a computer at work.
How long is the Texas Food Handler training?

The online training takes approximately 90 minutes.

Is there an exam?

Yes. Once you have reviewed the entire course, you will need to pass a 40-question exam with a score of 70% or higher.

Do I have to complete the training all at once?

No, you may start training and review a few chapters, log out of your account and resume your training at a different time. All your progress will be saved.

When will I get my Texas Food Handler Card Certificate?

You will be able to print your certificate as soon as you finish the training and pass the final exam with a score of at least 70%.

What if I don’t have a printer at home to print the Food Handler Card Certificate?

If you don’t have access to a computer with a printer, you can still take the training online and, once you have passed the test, we can mail a printed copy of your Food Handler Training Certificate for an additional fee.

How long is my Texas Food Handler certificate valid for?

Once issued, your certificate will be valid for 3 years in the state of Texas.

I work for multiple establishments. Do I need a Texas Food Handler Card Certificate for each one of them?

No. Once you have obtained a training certificate from an ANAB-Accredited food safety program, such as Premier Food Safety the certificate is recognized as valid throughout the State of Texas.

Will my card and certificate be valid if I change jobs?

Yes. Because this is an ANAB-Accredited program, your certificate will be valid statewide, even if you start working for a food service facility located in a different city or county.

Will I be required to have a local health jurisdiction certificate in addition to this one?

No. The Texas Food Handler Card Certificate issued by an ANAB-Accredited program, such as Premier Food Safety, is recognized statewide by regulatory authorities as valid proof of successful completion of a department-accredited food handler training program.

I have a food handlers certificate from another state. Is it valid in Texas?

Only if the food handler certificate was issued upon completion of an ANAB-Accredited training.

Where can I find out more about the current state law?

For detailed information regarding the Food Handler Education or Training Program, please refer to the Texas Department of State Health Services' Frequently Asked Questions - Food Handler Education or Training Programs.