Food Manager Certification

The Arizona Food Code requires the person in charge to demonstrate knowledge of foodborne illness prevention by passing a nationally accredited certification test such as ServSafe.

State Regulations

The person in charge must demonstrate knowledge of foodborne disease prevention.
One way to demonstrate knowledge is to become a certified Food Protection Manager by passing a test that is part of an accredited program.

Certification Exam

Optional at a state level. Mandatory in some counties.

Approved Certification Exams

ANAB-CFP Accredited Certification exams such as ServSafe, NRFSP, Always Food Safe, AboveTraining, 360 Training, and Prometric.

Food Safety Training Requirement

In some counties

Certificate Renewal

5 years statewide. Specific counties vary.

Additional Requirements

Some local jurisdictions have their own training and certification requirements.
Please contact your local health authority for more information.

Some counties have their own certification requirements. For more information, please contact your local health department.

We offer ServSafe Certification classes in Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Glendale, and West Valley!